To Move Or Not To Move?

When we bought the house we live in now, I said I would never move again.  Ever.  I said I was going to die here.  Heck, we even have a cemetery behind our property.  I was sure I was going to be buried here.  But that was when we were both working two fuller than full-time jobs.  Back when we ate out at least three times a week and thought Hamburger Helper was a home cooked meal.  Before chickens.  Before gardening, composting and bread baking.  Before aquaponics.  Before the ache of wanting more land, more chickens, and milk goats. 

We have a great house, we really do.  It needs a minor repair here and there, but it's structurally sound, we have great neighbors and a good size yard for a subdivision (.7 acres).  It's a five minute drive to work, the school, and the gas station.  It was the perfect house for our situation back when we bought it, but our situation has changed a lot since then and we're feeling the restrictions of our tiny homestead.  We want more land to grow food on and more land to feed & pasture animals on.  We want to build a greenhouse, put up a windmill, and what kind of a homesteader has a tent for a barn? Pitiful.

To find ourselves not knowing if we should move again is not a fun place to be in.  I mean, how do we pass by fruit trees for sale and not buy them?  And how can I even think of renovating our kitchen if we're just going to move?  What about the girls' treehouse we've been promising them?  The stagnation that comes from not knowing is a bit frustrating. 

But at this point in time, we just don't have peace about moving yet.  We believe we're right where God wants us, and when He wants us to move, it will be so abundantly clear to us.  "for God is not a God of confusion but of peace" 1 Corinthians 14:33